PLEASE Consider taking a stand for life and join us next month at our Annual Walk for LIFE!!!!
Saturday – April 25th
9 am Check in – 10 am Walk Begins
Bolton Park
Register today at or contact Jennifer Fogle at 336-760-3680 ext 206
Did you know… that babies like us are “terminated” every day when birthmoms do not receive factual information, practical assistance, and emotional support?
Did you know… that abortions are performed for any reason up to 20 weeks in North Carolina, 24 weeks in Atlanta, and 32+ weeks in Kansas?
Did you know… that teens are under tremendous pressure in our culture to be sexually active at an early age, with 70% of children born in the African American community to unwed mothers?
· provides free pregnancy tests (500+ per year), educational materials, counseling on all pregnancy options, with referrals for pre-natal care, providing for over 1,300 client visits per year
· provides free ultrasounds so birthmoms can see their babies
· provides abstinence until marriage education to 8,000 eighth-graders in our area through medical and drama presentations (Worth the Wait)
· provides parenting, adoption, and spiritual education, material assistance, and help with post-abortion healing through the HOPE client program
· provides individual and family counseling, pre-marital, and adoption counseling
· shares the Gospel and discusses spiritual issues through counseling and the
· New Life Bible Study classes (English and Spanish)
· ESL (English as a Second Language) NEW in 2008!
· Footsteps Mentoring Program for Clients Beginning June 1st!
· Mentoring for males (significant others) NEW in 2008!
· Parent’s Support Group (parent’s of those that are faced with the crisis pregnancy)
· is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that exists to assist teens and women in making informed decisions about their life, their futures, and pregnancy options
Please participate in this year’s Walk for Life fundraising event
as a Walker or a Sponsor! It’s easy and it’s fun!
Can you walk? It’s a GREAT event for the family AND the family pooch!
Call or email TODAY!
Jenniferspcc@triad.rr.com336-760-3680 ext. 206
If you are not available to attend, call or email your pledge TODAY!