Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Love Your Neighbor Day" - Report

Hello, Just a note to let you know how our "Love Your Neighbor Day" went. Sis Angela and I took our friend Sherri to lunch today.

Sherri is a middle aged widow who lost her husband unexpectedly a couple of years ago to cancer. She is still going through the grieving process and has a difficult time, especially during the holidays.

After our lunch and fellowship today, she went home uplifted and encouraged.

By: Bro. Gary and Sis. Angela


We gave food to a needy family; they have been to Heavenview a couple of times.

Neither of them are working right now, and so things have been tough for them. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.

By: Bro. Chad, Sis. April and Family


The Stephens' family took snack bags and medical supplies to the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. They were determined to have an attitude of gratitude and it made a difference.

By: Sis. Kim, Heather, Mikayla and Nathan

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Love Your Neighbor Day

The reports are coming in...

We called one of our friends who has been struggling with several personal situations for some time. We feel like we made her day and know that God is opening a door for us to show love to her in her time of need.

By: Pastor Brian and Sis. Jill


I wanted to let you know about my experience with our "love your neighbor day". I baked a loaf of bread and took it to a family that lives at the end of our street. I had never met them before. I have wanted to reach out to them for a while, but never took the time or had the opportunity. When the opportunity was presented on Wednesday night, I knew right away who I needed to reach out to. I was a bit nervous, as it is not my nature to just knock on a stranger’s door with a loaf of bread.

Our conversation lasted for about an hour and a half. We had a great talk and talked about getting together again and having a neighborhood get together when the weather turns nice.

They said they don't know any of their neighbors and were so glad that I had come down. They told me that they looked forward to getting together again.

Their daughter graduated from Salem college last year and is an artist. They took me upstairs to her studio and showed me some of her work. It was a wonderful experience and I felt that we really made a connection. I don't know what I was so worried about or why it took me so long, but God knows and I am thankful for the opportunity and excited about a new friendship with a neighbor!

By: Bro. Keith and Sis. Jamie


I visited an elderly man on my mail route before I came home and I took the man some hoop cheese, a cheese that is very difficult to find commercially in the United States. The man and his wife really enjoyed the visit and they gave us some homemade sourdough bread to show their gratitude.

By: Bro. Tony and Sis. Tina


Thanks for inspiring us to participate in "Love Your Neighbor Day." Our family had a wonderful experience. Abigail baked cookies, we wrote cards, and gave them as gifts to three of our neighbors.

Although we have awesome neighbors, we do not know them very well. They were all pleasantly surprised to hear from us and it felt really good to connect with them.

By: Pastor and Sis. Linder


We filled a tub of ready-to-pop popcorn with two movie rental gift cards, two mugs and two packets of hot chocolate to take to our next door neighbor, who moved in by us close to three months ago. We enjoyed spending time with her getting to know her and her son. We had a connection with one of her sons in years past. What a small world!

By: Bro. Travis and Sis. Jennifer


Dee and I were able to help a man that I work with. I was able to teach him an “Into His Marvelous Light” Bible study a couple of months ago.

Today we took him to lunch and were able to give him a computer desk that we were going to sell. He was elated. We enjoyed our fellowship.

By: Bro. Mike and Sis. Dee


We took lunch today to our neighbor. We talked for over two hours with her and listened to her fond family memories. We learned that she once owned the land where we now live! She had some amazing stories to share.

We are so glad we participated in "Love Your Neighbor Day" today. We have already planned to connect with her on a regular basis in the near future.

By: Pastor Dan and Sis. Christie


Loving Our Neighbor is not just an event here at Heavenview it is the lifestyle of every believer.

Please keep us posted as you continue to go out of your way to help your neighbors experience the love of Jesus through a connection with you.