We had a special collection for the Newborns In Need Winston-Salem Baby Shower not long ago. We wanted to post pictures of these very meaningful Serving efforts.
If you wish to SERVE with us in the future, please email Christie.
We welcome you to join us for our regularly scheduled services on Sunday at 11:00 AM or Wednesday for Bible Study at 7:30 PM. Please click here for directions.
The Netherlands Update
Mere words are insufficient to describe how thankful we are for the body of
Christ. Your sacrificial giving, your faith and your prayers give us the
the ab...
Summer Is Here
Summer is here! Summer brings staycations, vacations and more time with the
family. It is so easy to get busy, sometimes too busy for daily devotion.
Help Us Save Lives!
We will be hosting our Second Annual Blood Drive in Winston-Salem
on Saturday, February 13th from 9:30 AM until 1:30 PM.
Please sign up to ...